Young Investigators Meet the Publishers Networking Event – Wednesday, 21 September, 7:10 – 8:40 PM in the Water’s Edge Ballroom, reception food & drinks will be available
This event has been planned by the ICIS ECR Committee for all Students and Postdocs attending the meeting in-person. Please register in advance (no extra fee but must be registered by September 10th so we can reserve appropriately). Please register ONLY if you are sure you will participate so as not to take a seat away from another interested student or postdoc. Please use the online registration form:
The Young Investigators Meet the Publishers Networking Event is organized by the ICIS-ECR (Early Career Researchers) Committee for all the Young Investigators attending the meeting in Hawaii. Publications play an essential role in the scientific community by providing a trustworthy and fair review process to highlight the outstanding science from throughout the world. Members of ICIS are major contributors to the leading studies in the cytokine, interferon, and immunology publications that will be represented at this event.
ICIS and publishers, together, highlight the leading research and researchers of today and supporting the young scientists of tomorrow. Our early career researchers, new PIs and assistant professors who’ve started labs over the last 2 years will be networking with publishers and editors of the participating journals.