Abstract Submission is now closed. Notification to Late Breaking Abstract Submissions going out soon.
Abstract Presenters Registration
All presenters of an accepted abstract must be registered for the meeting in order to participate.
Late breaking abstracts may be submitted under the following topic areas:
Cytokines 2022 – Topics
- Cytokine induction/production
- Cytokine signaling induction, attenuation and silencing
- Cytokines and macrophages/myeloid cells
- Cytokines and dendritic cells
- Cytokines and metabolism
- Cytokine storm/inflammation
- Microbiome function and intestinal barrier
- Host defense against infections
- Regulation of host physiology and pathology
- Autoimmunity
- Cytokine-related interventions/therapies
- Other
ILC4 – Topics
- ILC Development and Trajectories
- ILC Tissue Niches
- ILC1s and NK cells
- ILC2s
- ILC3s
- Central and Peripheral Nervous System and ILCs
- ILCs and Metabolism
- ILCs and Cancer
- ILCs and Inflammatory Diseases
- Human ILCs
- ILCs as Therapeutics
ICIS Student/Postdoc Member Travel Awards
ICIS Student/Postdoc Members who are first authors of submitting abstracts may apply for travel awards to cover part of their travel expenses, or abstract awards to cover the virtual registration fees for those participating virtually. Click here for list of 96 – 2022 ICIS Student/Postdoc Member Travel Award recipients:
ILC4 Student/Postdoc Travel Awards
9 May, 2022 was the deadline for students and postdocs who may or may not be ICIS members, to apply for ILC4 Student/Postdoc Travel Awards. The ILC4 Student/Postdoc Travel Awards are sponsored by a grant from Sandler Asthma Basic Research Center (SABRE Center) at UCSF, USA. Click here for a list of 44 – ILC4 Travel Award recipients:
ICIS-Pfizer Junior Investigator Award Winners for Most Promising Research Presentations at the Cytokines Annual Meeting
ICIS Student/Postdoc Member presenters at the Cytokines 2022 & ILC 2022 Joint Hybrid Meeting are also eligible for the ICIS-Pfizer Junior Investigator Awards. Up to four (4) trainees with the highest scoring abstracts as per the scientific review committee, will be awarded $1,250 each and will be invited to give an oral presentation or lightning talk at Cytokines 2022 Hybrid Joint ILC4 Meeting, recognized as an ICIS- Pfizer Junior Investigator Awards Presentation, in the most appropriate session based on topic. MORE DETAILS
Awards are merit or need based, they are not guaranteed, nor will more than one award be granted per individual.